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허찬희원장 Cairo 2005 WPA 국제학회 참석 (학술 심포지움 조직)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,101회 작성일 04-12-23 16:46


<편집자> 허찬희 원장은 2005년 9월 이집트 카이로에서 개최되는 세계정신의학회 학술 심포지움, "정신치료; 동과 서"를 아래와 같이 조직하고 토론자로 참석할 예정임.
국내 연자로는 이동식, 강석헌, 허찬희
외국 연자는 미국정신의학회 회장을 지낸 Allan Tasman과 이집트 Ain Shams 대학의 Abdel Moneim Ashour 교수가 참석한다.

Symposium title: Psychotherapy East and West

Co-chairs: Chan Hee Huh (Korea), Allan Tasman (USA)
1. A psychotherapist and a Bodhisattva--Suk-Hun Kang (Korea),
Past President of Korean Academy of Psychotherapists
2. Psychotherapy East and West--Allan Tasman (USA),
President of American Psychiatric Association 1999-2000
3. The essence of Taopsychotherapy--Dongshick Rhee (Korea),
Honorary President of Korean Academy of Psychotherapists
4. Discussion
(1) Abdel Moneim Ashour (Egypt), Professor of Ain Shams University, Egypt
(2) Chan Hee Huh, Chair of International Communication Committee of Korean Academy of Psychotherapists

Educational Objectives
The presenters will review some similarities and differences between Asian philosophical and cultural traditions, and European/American approaches to psychotherapy. At the conclusion of the presentations, the participants should be able to be enriched from more interaction and understanding of the points of view of our neighbouring cultures in the practice of psychotherapy.

1. Book
Korean Academy of Psychotherapists (1995): Psychotherapy East and West: Integration of Psychotherapies, Seoul, KAP Press
2. Book
Korean Academy of Psychotherapists (2004): Taopsychotherapy and Western Psychotherapy, Seoul, Jungangmunwha Co.

1. A psychotherapist and a Bodhisattva (Suk-Hun Kang)
The author will attempt to compare some practical aspects of the Buddhist tradition of Bodhisattva training, that is, the "threefold training" of percepts, meditation and wisdom, with the western tradition of the "tripartite" system of training psychotherapist. The end prospect is the hope of a combination of both disciplines. In conclusion, if a psychotherapist wants to cultivate the maturity of one's therapeutic ability during or after the 'formal training', it is recommended that one practice the 'threefold training' of a Bodhisattva. If a Bodhisattva trainee wants to find the right road toward the enlightenment, it will be safer to receive psychotherapy first.
2. Psychotherapy East and West (Allan Tasman)
To a great extent the theoretical basis and practice of various psychotherapy approaches reflect the cultural and religious milieu in which they were developed. Western societies have historically, and, at present, emphasized the role of the autonomously functioning individual. To some degree all modern Western psychotherapeutic methods use, as a framework for understanding mental processes, the struggles of the individual in reconciling biological urges with social constraints and personal moral values. Eastern cultures, with a greater emphasis on the individual as a family member and of a larger social unit, have developed different frameworks for understanding and intervention. With growth in understanding of Eastern philosophies and cultures in the West, new perspectives have begun to emerge. This presentation will review the historical background and will discuss how future gains in both our understanding and approaches to psychotherapeutic treatment will benefit from increased interaction of Eastern and Western perspectives.
3. The essence of Taopsychotherapy (Dongshick Rhee)
The author will introduce the Taopsychotherapy, also describe the essence of Taopsychotherapy. The Taopsychotherapy is the fusion of the Tao and western psychotherapy. He has tried to sort out the "pure gold" among both. Many Asian psychiatrists maintained that the western psychoanalytic theory and technique cannot be applied to Asian patients. However, the author concluded that the pure gold of western psychotherapy and the Tao practice is essentially the same and can be applied both in East and West, all over the world.


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